Mutah University
The Faculty of Sports Sciences
The Department of Sports Training
The vision:
Preparing a distinguished, qualified and
high level graduate in all the levels.
The message:
The message of the Department of Sports
Training is derived from the importance of training science, which is considered
as the basis of elite sports superiority, in that the distinctive and
qualitative scientific preparation for the graduates of the department
contributes to the supplying the teams and clubs with professionals who do their efforts in order to promote the
level of sport at the local and international levels.
The objectives:
The department's objectives are derived
from the educational field of the university and in accordance with the country's
policy in general. These objectives include:
Preparing a highly-qualified Sports Coaches.
Preparing specialists in the fields of sports
Conducting scientific researches in the different
fields of training.
Cooperating with the sports federations, the Olympic
Committee as well as the sports clubs.
Serving the local community by providing sports
training specialists in the different types of games.